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About TheatreQC

In 2017 TheatreQC Pty Ltd was established in Australia to help the arts, entertainment, and cruise ship industry with their fabric and stage curtain fire services.
Stage curtains and theatre fabrics in arts & entertainment venues from schools, theatres, convention centres, etc. must adhere to very strict regulations regarding maintenance/fire retardant of such items governed by Australian & New Zealand Fire Standards. Likewise, cruise ships fall under IMO rules.

TheatreQC is the largest provider of these services in Australia and now in 2024, we are starting in New Zealand!
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TheatreQC Diversity
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We support diversity

TheatreQC Australia
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The arts community for centuries, has welcomed & thrived on diversity.  Diversity makes our company rich with ideas and contributes to our success. 

We know through experience that different ideas, perspectives and backgrounds create a stronger and more creative work environment and that delivers better outcomes for clients.

We support inclusion & welcome people from all backgrounds multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, Women, Gender, Veterans, Māori & Disability.
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About TheatreQC
Industry membership
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We Support

TheatreQC Industry Membership
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Australian Yearbook
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TheatreQC Industry Membership
Our Team
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Meet the Team Behind TheatreQC

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